
Døgnfluer har siden 2014 samlet kulturmiljøet i Oslo til å lage teater, film, dans, konserter, kunst, revy og musikaler på 24 timer. Døgnfluer jobber overordnet for å fremme fellesskap og samarbeid blant kulturfolk.

Legal Name Døgnfluer
VAT Number 920900046
Email dognfluer@gmail.com

Upcoming events

Currently no upcoming events. Stay tuned!

Gift card

Purchase a gift card for your friends and family to use on our website. The gift card can be used to purchase tickets for any event by Døgnfluer.

Personalize your experience We use your location to show you events near you. You can change your location at any time.
We do not share your location with anyone. Your location is only used to show you events near you.