Final Descent

Image for Final Descent

Final Descent promotes and presents spiritual, ecstatic, and devotional music in Copenhagen, Denmark. With a strong emphasis on acoustic music, jazz, experimental electronic music, and roots music from around the world, Final Descent aims to create immersive concert experiences in a positive atmosphere where the keywords are quality, diversity, inclusion, and experimentation. Final Descent supports the local scene by expanding the borders, both geographically and artistically. We will go the extra mile to present something new, often paired with something we know, in unconventional and surprising ways. Final Descent works with the concept of a third dimension, which is what happens when two supposedly binary poles create something third, either on, in front of, or around the stage.

Juridisk navn Final Descent
Org.nr. 44545896
Nettside finaldescent.org
Epost martin@finaldescent.org

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