Blåsemafian løftar taket kvar einaste stad dei kjem for å spele! No skal dei løfte taket på ferja MF Veøy under Geiranger Lyskunstfestival.
Blåsemafian raise the roof everywhere they come to play! Now they will be raising the roof of the ferry MF Veøy during Geiranger Light Art Festival.
(More english text below)
Blåsemafian er en norsk brasshouse artist som kombinerer tradisjonell brassmusikk med moderne pop og EDM. Blåsemafian er kjent for sine engasjerende liveopptredener, energi, og anses for å være blant de mest «up & coming» artistene innen moderne brassmusikk.
Blåsemafian samlet over 3 millioner strømminger på Spotify alene i løpet av
sitt første år med utgivelser. Gruppen har turnert i Norge, Europa og USA. Med en plassering blant topp 4 under den nasjonale utvelgelsen til Eurovision Song Contest 2021, beviste Blåsemafian seg som en viktig og populær
Bandet har lenge vore ein av dei mest anerkjende blåseseksjonane i Skandinavia og har tidlegare samarbeidd med artistar som Cezinando og Madcon. Dei har ei sterk korpsbakgrunn, og i blåsemiljøet blir dei dyrka som heltar.
Målet til Blåsemafian er å inspirere og motivere unge musikarar, noko dei lukkast godt med, mellom anna gjennom workshopar rundt om i landet – i tillegg til å vere gode ambassadørar for korpsrørsla.
Varsel om storm i kasta er herved utstedt!
Blasemafian is a Norwegian brass house artist that combines traditional brass music with contemporary pop and EDM. Blasemafian is known for their engaging live performances, infectious energy, and they are considered one
of the most exciting acts in contemporary brass music.
Blasemafian amassed over 3 million streams on Spotify alone during their first year of releases. They have toured extensively throughout Norway, Europe and the US. As top 4 during the national selection of Eurovision Song Contest 2021, Blasemafian proved themselves as an important and popular instrumental artist. Blasemafian has been a part of nominations for several awards, including the
Spellemannprisen (Norwegian Grammy), among others.
Blåsemafian’s made its big breakthrough in 2021, primarily through its participation in the Melodi Grand Prix. With its joy of playing, enthusiasm, and musical impact, it is difficult not to be drawn as an audience. We are very much looking forward to being able to welcome the audience back without having to sit in a designated place, as last year - because it is not easy to sit quietly with Blåsemafian on stage!
On the edge of unnatural.
The band has long been one of the most renowned wind sections in Scandinavia and has previously collaborated with artists such as Cezinando and Madcon. They have a heavy corps background, and in the blowing environment they are worshiped as heroes.Blåsemafian's goal is to inspire and motivate young musicians, something they succeed well with, among other things. workshops around the country - as well as being good ambassadors for the corps movement.
Notice of blest with storm in the casts is hereby issued!
MVA: 994048015