Image for Momentums Eventums Teaser Party

Momentums Eventums Teaser Party

Arrangør Momentums Eventums
Sted Eventhallen, Oslo
Ole Deviks vei 10, Oslo, Norge
Dato 1. mar 2025
Dørene åpner 20:00 til 22:00
Dette arrangementet krever en brukerkonto.
Early Birds Tickets
200 tickets
333,00 NOK     
Regular Price Tickets
400 tickets
420,00 NOK     
Late Birds Ticket
150 Tickets
555,00 NOK     
Momentums Eventums is back with a big boom of events throughout this year!

This night will be built up with two stages
opening doors at 20.00 and closing at 22.00
Then the party goes on until 05.00 in the morning.

There will be a juice/smoothie bar and some food to buy.
If you want to have a few alcoholic beverages, you can bring your own,
But please don’t.

expect uplifting Techno to grouchy psy tech to powerhouse!
as the second floor will go from melodic psy trance to end with high-tech


Tech floor

20.00-21.30 Unknown Cause (Norway)
21.30-23.00 Mekke Marit (Norway)
23.00-00.30 Mister BalanZen (Norway)
00.30-03.30 Capodanna (Norway) vs Anders Navigare (Sweden)
03.30-05.00 Freesko (Belgia)

Psy floor

20.00-22-00 Cut Corners (Norway)
22.00-00.00 Anders Jp (Norway)
00.00-02.00 Freesko (Belgia)
02.00-03.30 Jackvi (Sweden)
03.30-05.00 Kalabiik (Belarus)

Foretaksnavn: Johnsens Momentums

MVA: 922219001