Vi inviterer deg til ferie med yoga og meditasjon! Kjenn mer enn bare stillhet og indre ro - treffe nye venner, ta del i vegetarmatlaging og finne dypere glede i meditasjon =)
- Rolig morgenyoga
- Pusteøvelser & mindfulness
- Meditasjon med musikk & mantra
- Vegetarbuffet til frokost og middag
- Yoga for styrke og energi
- Spennende dokumentarer og samtaler med dypere mening
- Mulighet for tur i fjellnatur
KOSTNAD: 3450,- (2450,- student) dekker overnatting, mat og alle kurs
STED: Et nydelig sted ved sjøen ca 1t 45min å kjøre fra Trondheim, ved Agdenes / Slettvik. Vi prøver å ordne carpooling, men vi kan også hente deg på nærmeste busstasjon eller fergekai.
DATO: Ankomst fredag 18. juli og hjemreise onsdag 23. juli ca kl. 14:00 etter vi er ferdig å rydde
TA DEL: Alle bidrar med det de kan på denne retreaten - det blir mulighet for å hjelpe med rigging, matlaging, oppvask osv.
We invite you to a vacation with yoga and meditation! This retreat will give you more than just silence and inner peace - find deeper happiness in music & meditation, meet new friends, develop yourself, experience the benefits of healthy & tasty vegetarian food, surround yourself in beautiful nature and so much more!
07:00 Soft Yoga
08:15 Morning Meditation
09:30 Breakfast
Leisure / Lunch / Workshops *
14:30 Hatha Yoga
16:30 Dinner
18:00 Music Meditation
19:00 Movie screening
20.00 Deep relaxation
* Possible workshops: Vegetarian cooking, pranayama, yoga wisdom, joint hiking trip, meditation in nature etc.
You will learn how you can easily add yoga and meditation in your own life, and thus experience all the benefits of this lifestyle. Together we will practice simple meditation techniques, breathing exercises with mantra, yoga asanas (exercises) for both beginners and more advanced practitioners, guided deep relaxation, and more. We also arrange sessions with live music meditation - a favorite for many! You will have delicious vegetarian meals for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
For those reflecting upon the deeper questions in life there will be the opportunity to learn about the wisdom and science of yoga. During your stay you can also go for walks in the beautiful scenery, read a book or just relax and enjoy the company of like-minded people.
Practical info:
Cost: 3450, - (2450, - student) covers accommodation, food and all courses
Place: A beautiful place by the sea about 1h 45min drive from Trondheim, at Agdenes / Slettvik. We'll try to arrange carpooling, but we can also pick you up at the closest bus station or ferry quay
Dates: Arrival on Friday, July 28th and departure on Wednesday, July 23rd at ~14:00 after we've finished cleaning.
Take part: Everyone contributes what they can on this retreat - it will be possible to help with set up, cooking, cleaning, etc.
MVA: 920513956