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Carme López (ga)

‘Quintela’, the debut album by Carme López, a performer, teacher, and researcher of traditional oral music from Galicia, is a new experimental work for the Galician bagpipe. Influenced by the approach of composers like Éliane Radigue or Pauline Oliveros, the Spanish composer creates slowly modulating sound environments, and stretches the sonic possibilities of the bagpipe to its absolute limit. ‘Quintela’ is structured in four movements, plus a prologue and an epilogue, which serve as a link to the contemporary language of the instrument.

The bagpipe is strongly tied to traditional music; its use in different genres and musical contexts is extremely limited and unimaginative. ‘Quintela’ brings it to a wholly unknown field, decontextualising the bagpipe in order to elevate a personal approach, and leaving behind its male-dominated past (in which it relates to ideas of prestige, and dominance or carries even sexual connotations). López expertly demonstrates its grandeur and breadth; the music on ‘Quintela’ ranges from barely audible sounds of air passing through the hide bag through rhythmical use of its reeds to all-encompassing drones with complex harmonic structures and vibrant overtones.

The narrative arc focuses on the composer’s past, its people and places, and could be conceived as a journey in and of itself. A homage to those in our memories, but also a step into the unknown, ‘Quintela’ is an ambitious, graceful, and captivating debut.

The concert is part of our limited-capacity series at Metronomen, 144000, where only 40 tickets are available for each show. The ticket includes a cup of tea. The concert is supported by Frederiksberg Kommune and Frederiksberg Fonden. Thanks!


Carme López (ga)

Musikeren, underviser og forsker i traditionel musik fra Galicien, Carme López, bryder grænser og skubber til normerne med sit debutalbum 'Quintela'. Værket udforsker den traditionelle galicisk sækkepibes soniske potentialer i langstrakte minimalistiske kompositioner, inspireret af komponister som Éliane Radigue og Pauline Oliveros. 'Quintela' består af fire satser, flankeret af en prolog og en epilog, der refortolker instrumentet og oversætter det til moderne gloser.

Traditionelt har sækkepiben været begrænset til bestemte musikalske sammenhænge og genrer. López dekontekstualiserer instrumentet, frigører det fra fortidens begrænsninger og udforsker dets muligheder på tværs af lydlandskaber. Fra næsten usynlige luftlyde til komplekse droner med levende overtoner udforsker 'Quintela' hele spektret af sækkepibens lyde.

Albummet er en fortælling om komponistens personlige rejse, en hyldest til fortiden og de mennesker og steder, der har formet den. 'Quintela' er både en hyldest og et skridt ind i det ukendte, en ambitiøs og fortryllende debut, der strækker sækkepibens kunstneriske grænser.

Koncerten er en del af Final Descent's intimkoncert-program på Metronomen, 144000, hvor der kun fritgives 40 billetter pr. koncert. Inkluderet i billetten er en kop te. Koncerten er støttet af Frederiksberg Kommune og Frederiksberg Fonden. Mange tak!

Merchant legal name: Final Descent

VAT: 44545896

Carme López (ga)
Organizer Final Descent
Venue Metronomen
Godthåbsvej 33, Frederiksberg, Danmark
Date 10. Oct 2024
Open from 19:00
Show starts 20:00
Age limit 16

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Carme López (ga)

‘Quintela’, the debut album by Carme López, a performer, teacher, and researcher of traditional oral music from Galicia, is a new experimental work for the Galician bagpipe. Influenced by...

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Including a cup of tea from New China Trading 🤍 Inklusiv en kop te fra New China Trading 🤍
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60,00 DKK